Happy New Year, 2023! Are you ready for a great year?!?! Me too!!!
So, after working all night, I went to the beach to watch the sunrise!
This is me at 7:02am CST on January 1 waiting for the sun to rise on Lake Michigan.

And this is the sky at 7:19am, supposedly “sunrise.”

Of course, the sun DID rise. It’s just hidden by lots of clouds.
Well, it’s still overcast and yesterday I even took a walk in the rain. It was a wonderful 40 degrees — spring weather at the beginning of January (and unusual for Chicago!).
On my walk, I realized two things:

- One raindrop can distort an image — but it doesn’t mean the trees around fell down.
- Just because I can’t get a picture of the glorious golden sunrays on the first of the year, doesn’t mean the year hasn’t started!
I hope the sun is shining on you today! I hope your family is healthy, your house is standing, and there is ample food in the fridge…
But if this is not the case, I hope that you’ll glean hope in the fact that even if what you “see” isn’t what you’d want, Jesus Christ is still the same. (Hebrews 13:8) His love for you is still unconditional and relentless. (Psalm 86:15) And His grace is sufficient. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
Whatever the first week of the year looks like, may God be with you today!
Like what you've read? I'm also on Facebook and Twitter!“May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us — so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.”
Psalm 67:1-2