His Beloved

A chilled plate of Caesar salad was slid in front of him. He regarded the waiter with a courteous nod and lifted his fork. I grinned at him, sticking my own fork in a piece of Romaine lettuce, “So, what did they say?”

“Well.” Brad sighed. “The Internet was out in the whole building. They said it might have been a rodent chewing a wire. Or a tree branch. And there was nothing they could do until they sent someone out.”

“Did they come?”

“Not yet.”

“Find another company. Going without Internet is like… going without water.”

He chewed and swallowed. “I have unlimited data on my phone. I think I’ll cancel the service all together.”

“So, I’ll be without service at your place.”

“No. You’ll have to use your own data.”

“Fair enough.” I stabbed a sliver of parmesan cheese, glancing up to grin. “It’s not like I’d have service at your place right now anyway.”

He nodded and pushed the plate away. Several croutons remained on the plate. “That’s not why I wanted to meet.”


His eyes twinkled. “She said ‘yes.’”

I swallowed the Caesar-drenched leaf and stared at him, registering the words. Then my eyes became wide. I raced around the table and grabbed him in a tight hug. I pulled the nearest chair to me and plunked my elbows on the table. “Tell me everything!”

***   ***   ***

I shoved a stack of papers into a slot. “Hey, you.”

He turned to me and grinned. “Hey to you too.” He slapped a rubber band around a manila folder and slid it into a vertical file.

I leaned against the wall and crossed my arms. “How is she?”

The corners of his lips remained lifted. The crinkles at the corners of his eyes deepened. “Molly’s perfect. I’ve never loved her more.”

I smirked. “I’m so happy for you.”

“I still can’t believe it. Do know what this means?” His eyes were intense. “She’s mine. No one else can claim her now. From now on, she’ll have my name. Everything I have will be hers. And I’m going to share my life with her. She committed her heart to me. I’ve never been so excited in my entire life!”

“So…” I leaned closer to him. “When’s the big day?”

He laughed. “I asked her to marry me. I’m letting her choose the ‘how’ and ‘when’!”

***   ***   ***

I flipped through a magazine. Pink roses. White lace. I glanced up as she stepped out of the stall in a gorgeous white gown. It flowed around her. White satin smoothed down her stomach and flattered her waist. I let my lips curl upward. “Molly, you look stunning.”

“Do you think so?” She turned her gaze to the mirrors surrounding the room. Her finger pinched the sheer fabric at her side. “I want Brad to be pleased.”

“He is!” I stood up and stepped to her. “He’s loved you from the first moment he met you. And ever since then his love for you has only grown. There’s nothing you can do to make him love you more!”

“Well, yes. But I want to be beautiful.” Her eyes flickered over my head to her image. “He deserves it.”

“I’m telling you.” I pressed my hands onto her arms. “You are beautiful. He loves you!”

She blushed deeply. “I hope so. So… this one or the first one?”

***   ***   ***

“The pink roses are nice,” she said, her arms crossed on the dining room, leaning over a binder of laminated pages.

“Yes. They are nice,” Brad mused, his eyes merely glancing at the glossy page. He was more interested in her. The way her hair fell across her shoulders. The soft curve of her cheek. The brightness in her eyes.

“Oh, but these…” Molly pointed to the top corner. “These are lovely.”

He leaned over, not even bothering to look at the images of bouquets. “Whichever you choose, my love.”

I watched them from the sink and chuckled. I turned back to the dish I was scrubbing.

“This one has more variety, but this one looks fuller…”

Brad laughed. “I love you.”

There was a pause. I glanced at the couple again. Brad was holding Molly’s hand lightly. Their eyes on each other. Neither blinking. Both barely breathing.

Molly’s mouth opened slightly. “I… I love you too!”

***   ***   ***

“How is she?” Brad’s voice trembled as I adjusted the pink rose boutonnière on his lapel.

I met his gaze and smiled. “She’s perfect.”

“I love her so much. I’ve waited for this moment for the longest time.”

“I know,” I said, smoothing out the soft gray of the tuxedo across his shoulder.

He gripped my elbow suddenly. “Thank you. Everything you’ve done… Your support, your love for Molly and me. I’m so grateful.”

I smiled. “It’s been all my pleasure. I’m so very happy for you. Your joy is mine! Isn’t that what friends are for?”

His eyes moistened. “This means everything to me. Molly is everything to me.”

“And she is the most beautiful bride you’ve ever seen.” I watched his eyes brightened as he visualized his beloved. The one who would be his in mere moments.

I squeezed his hand. “Are you ready?”

“Am I ever!”

***   ***   ***

Crisp white pillars were swept over with soft pink ribbons. The aisle had been strewn with rose petals. The arch where the bride would enter was covered with the same blossoms, full and perfect. The string quartet began playing and the congregation stood. I craned my neck over the crowd to catch a glimpse of the bride. All eyes fixed on the lone figure that moved down the aisle. I imagined she moved carefully and gracefully. Letting everyone admire her beauty. Her gown drifting and flowing around her. The white satin catching the light and shimmering. There was no rush. Her future was already set. Moving one step at a time toward her bridegroom. The one who made her perfect. Who loved her.

I took a step forward and stood on tip-toe. She was still out of my line of sight, but as the crowd moved in one motion, I knew she would be close. I fixed my eyes on the opening where I could see the aisle. And then the white of her gown peeked from around the crowd. And then I saw her.

The white of her gown was more dazzling than I remembered. She moved more gracefully than I imagined. And her cheeks were high. Her eyes bright, fixed on her bridegroom. The one who adored her. And the one she loved.

I turned my gaze and broke into a wide grin. The man in the gray tuxedo was watching his bride approach. His face was shining. I’d never seen him so happy. So eager. So thrilled. He was truly in love.

My heart pounded in my chest and tears streamed down my cheeks. This beautiful couple. The purity of their devotion. Their commitment to each other. He reached out for his bride and took her hand as she took the final steps toward him. He led her to his side. His face beaming. Her face aglow.

I clutched my fingers to my chest as I watched the beautiful couple unite. This was my hope. For my friend to come together with his lovely bride. And to be filled with this much happiness. This much love. I was now complete.

“The bride belongs to the bridegroom. The friend who attends the bridegroom waits and listens for him, and is full of joy when he hears the bridegroom’s voice. That joy is mine, and it is now complete.”

~ John 3:29

Dear Reader,

This isn’t the typical “friend of the groom” story, is it? The friend has pure motives the entire time! (How dreadfully boring!)

This concept was inspired by the ministry of John the Baptist, a contemporary of Jesus Christ. He told people to repent because God’s promised Christ had arrived. It was John’s joy that people accept Jesus as their Savior and be forgiven of their sins.

The church is Jesus’ bride, His beloved, for whom He died on the cross to make holy (Eph 5:25). It is a Christian’s joy that one day Jesus will return and bring His bride to the eternal, glorious kingdom of God. (For more references to Jesus as the bridegroom and the church as His bride, see Matthew 25:1-13; Luke 5:34-35; Revelation 21:2, 9.)

How beautiful is that day! How thrilling when Jesus, the bridegroom, comes to bring His church to be with Him for all eternity! It is also a Christian’s joy when Jesus is revealed as God and Savior to a dear friend, and the church expands.

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