Typically a movie is not as great as the book it’s based on…
But is there an instance when the movie is greater?
Or at least, in general, better?
I tread carefully here because this is highly subjective question. You and I could read the same book and our past experiences, our preferences, and even what mood we are in while we are reading could generate very different responses! Not necessarily worse or better … just different?
(Give me a shout if you agree!)
This is also true with movies.
Recently, I had discovered that a Christian author whom I adore had his book made into a movie. How cool is that?!?! And he writes about a spiritual journey about love and faith — mixed with suspense and action so you know it’s got to be highly charged and dramatic! (Yep! If you can stomach gunshots in a Christian book, check out Charles Martin’s Water Keeper series! Be warned! The theme is not for the faint of heart!)
Also, this movie has top-notch actors (ever heard of Kate Winslet?!) … so, it’s gotta be a well-done movie!

This is the trailer and — yes! — the action is packed with great acting skills, death-defying feats, and breath-taking views!
So, I hurried to read the book …
And the gripping, heart-wrenching theme made me sob while reading (which is typical of reading a Charles Martin book, by the way — but I already warned you about that).
And then, with tissues at hand, I borrowed the movie from the library to watch…
Sure, okay, fine, they changed the character’s first name. (Kate Winslet’s character should have been “Ashley” but in the movie she’s “Alex.”) And the book is in her point-of-view rather than the fellow’s.
No worries! I’ve watched many-a-movie that tweaked lots of stuff for our watching pleasure.
But I turned from frustrated to downright angry …
For one, there was a sex scene on camera. (Watch little eyes what you see …) And I assure you, there was no sex — not even sexual temptation! — in the book! (Well, duh. I wouldn’t read Charles Martin if there were!)
And, next, backstory for the guy’s character was completely different.
In a word, I was livid.
And, as typical readers tend to do when we are passionate about something, I complained in my review.
How dare the author let this happen!
Doesn’t he know Christians will be watching — his fans?!
Isn’t he worried at all that this movie went against what he supposedly believes in???
When I had cooled down enough, I wanted to see how others viewed the movie…
And found this from the author himself…
“Nine years ago, 20th Century Fox “optioned” the cinematic rights to The Mountain Between Us. … For six years, nothing happened. Crickets. Then slowly … a script was written … a director was added. Then actors. The film was shot, produced, directed, acted, edited and a music score added. In all that time, I had nothing to do with any of that. Zilch. No consultation. No influence. No voice.”
Did you catch that last part? “I had nothing to do with any of that.”
Mr. Martin goes on in his post saying he devoted the time to prayer as he waited to see the results of a movie he had no input in.
He prayed for the actors, the director, everyone on the set (many of whom doesn’t know the Lord Jesus) …
And at the end of the blog, he praises God because the movie helped watchers find his books, where they find the themes of Christianity, love, and faith.
(Check out the entire blog post here: What I think…About the Movie (charlesmartinbooks.com) )
Martin prayed … and he praised.
Unlike me.
This perspective changed everything.
So, I watched the movie again.
I watched as if I hadn’t read the book. I watched from the director’s point-of-view, from the actors hard work in really cold set to bring out a theme that was (yes, I admit it) profound in it’s own right.
I’m not saying I like the movie better.
But my perspective changed.
What if I lived my life the way Martin viewed his movie in the hands of a director that had never read his book?
What if I decided to submit it all to God and to praise God for how He used this tool to magnify His name above all names?
Instead of being a grouch, I could look up instead and give thanks, especially for what I have not yet seen?
How could it change the way I view life?
Give me peace?
Put gladness in my heart?
The better question: what am I waiting for?
Your turn: Has there ever been a time when another Christian’s maturity blessed your faith? I’d love to hear about it!
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